Thursday, October 27, 2011

Just One of Those Days

Could possibly my two favorite things 
For about a month now I have been feeling great. I started my diet to get to my ideal weight, I have been exercising 5-6 days a week (sometimes twice a day), I have been eating really well and have actually enjoyed it. Now I am 10 pounds lighter! Right on track for where I want to be. But today is just one of those days where I don't want to do anything but watch TV with a warm blanket and comfort food. I just couldn't resist having some of my favorite cookies (Confetti cookies) and some Halloween candy. Of course I was then overcome with guilt and shame. But I realize sometimes it is okay to indulge a bit. I can just work a little bit harder at the gym tomorrow right? I'm only human.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Catch of the Day

Lately I have been in love with Tom Ford. I would love to own a pair of his sunglasses. I was reading this article in InStyle and fell in love with this dress. It it flawless. 
Kate Bosworth in Tom Ford

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Beauty Wish List

I just recently bought this Chanel lipstick in "Cambon". It is the perfect shade of red. I have been looking for a nice red lipstick forever. I was beginning to feel like Goldilocks; not too dark but not too bright .This shade is just right. I never knew if it made a difference to just buy a cheap red lipstick or splurge on a nice one. I read in this months InStyle that you should splurge on lipsticks since the more expensive ones have a higher quality and blend smoothly. 

My cousin had this perfume at a dance in High School and I remember falling in love with it! It just smells so classic and not overpowering at all. Plus it lasts forever! I bought this in all sizes so I put the travel size with me whenever I need to spruce up a bit. 

This Essie nail color in "Wicked" is just what I have been searching for! Black nail polish is a little to dark for me and kind of look tacky. I still love a dark nail though. This color is so vamp and a perfect alternative to black. 

I don't know how many celebs have said this is their hair must have. From Kourtney Kardashian to Megan Fox. I have always wanted to buy it! I can't wait to 

This is isn't really a "beauty" product but I really think it should be! I have been hooked on this Glowing Green Smoothie. My skin has never looked better. My eyes have a pop and my skin is smooth and has a nice color to it now. I swear by this every morning and snack. It has a Romaine lettuce, Spinach, apple, pear, banana, celery and lemon juice. Sounds kind of weird, but is so delicious! 

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Ghost Town

I cannot believe how times flies. It is already October 1st! I have been in a very Halloween mood lately and cannot wait to start decorating as soon as possible. I have no idea what my plans are for Halloween but I want to stay home and dress up and pass out candy. No idea what my costume is going to be, but I'll think of something. Here are a few pictures via that really got me inspired! Sp00ky 

costume idea?